Thursday, July 24, 2008

The modern life

This is a picture I received in a forwarded mail. It did make me think that certainly the so called mordern life has slowly creeped in and change our life style.

The above lifestyle is certainly a common practice for people in IT field. I thought of few friends and tried to compare them with this picture. one of my friend when he comes back home after work makes sure that he reads "eenadu" online (daily telugu newspaper) everyday.

Second one would spend his time browsing videos in youtube. Third one would not miss an opportunity to post scraps to his friends on orkut. Some of them would always have deasl2buy open 24X7 open, to ensure they are the first ones to catch the best shopping deals.

Internet has become so addictive these days. It's good to have it bcoz it's good source of any information you want. But the big point is it's not at all a good substitute for the physical activities.

I like to spend my time playing tennins, volleyball (if enough players are available) or sometimes swimming. My roommates and I have now agreed upon not getting an internet connection at home. Simple reasons, we have access in office to do basic stuff and secondly, avoid getting addicted to this not so important thing. However sometimes I do spend some time playing freecell. solitaire, minesweeper and hearts on my PC, but i'm trying to stay from them too :)

Now think about how you spend your time after you get back from work? Do something constructive for you, your family or your country :)

1 comment:

kochuthresiamma p .j said...

how right u r. am also trying to get deaddicted. cant say i've been successful